Runda Bin Village Noiler Empowerment Program – Bauchi State

Thursday March 25th, 2021 was the date as the Noiler Business Unit Team stormed the IDP Settlement at Runda Bin Village, about 5 kilometers off the Bauchi – Gombe road for the Noiler empowerment program in partnership with the Arewa Development Support Initiative (ADSI).

The event, initiated by ADSI in partnership with Amo Farm Sieberer Hatchery Limited was targeted at helping the IDPs to settle better in their new home with sustainable economic and nutritional balance.
100 women were empowered with 10 Noiler brooded birds, a bag of 25kg Amo Byng grower feed and a sachet of Divertamin for each of the women. It was all praises for both ADSI and the Noiler Team by the leader and other members of the community as they receive their birds which have since been incorporated into their daily lifestyle