Embrace The Noiler Revolution for a Healthier, Sustainable Future
Join us in exploring the avenues of improved protein nutrition, women empowerment, and the prospect of creating a more sustainable future.
Noiler Chicken, the Star of Christmas Feast
Inside, a table laden with festive fare awaits, and at its
heart, nestled amidst fluffy stuffing, sits the unassuming yet undeniable star of the show – the
humble Noiler Chicken
Distinguishing Noiler and Broiler Birds: Poultry Guide for Farmers
The distinction between Broilers and Noiler birds lies fundamentally in their breeding and intended uses.
Can Agriculture Help the Nigerian Economy?
Agriculture has always been the backbone of the Nigerian economy, providing food for the people and raw materials for industry.
How We Can All Help to Reach the Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals that were adopted by the United Nations in 2015. The goals are designed to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all by 2030.
Empowering Rural Women in Africa
Rural women in Africa are the unsung heroes of the continent. They are the backbone of their communities, working tirelessly to provide for their families and contribute to the economy.
The Importance of Sustainable Poultry Farming
Poultry farming is a major source of food for people around the world. In fact, poultry meat is the most widely consumed meat in the world, and eggs are a major source of protein and other nutrients.
The Importance of Protein Nutrition for Children in Africa
Protein helps children grow and develop properly, and it also plays a role in their immune system, energy levels, and cognitive function. Unfortunately, many children in Africa do not get enough protein in their diet. This is due to several factors, including poverty, food insecurity, and poor access to nutritious foods. There are several things […]
Common Plant-Based High Protein Foods Easily Available in Nigeria
Protein is an essential nutrient that is needed for many bodily functions, including building, and repairing tissues, making enzymes and hormones, and transporting nutrients throughout the body. Animal-based foods are typically high in protein, but there are also many plant-based foods that are good sources of protein. In Nigeria, there are many common plant-based foods […]
Nutrients Gotten from Noiler Eggs
Noiler birds are dual purpose, meaning they are raised for both eggs and meat. Noiler female birds have an egg yield of 120-150 eggs per cycle which is over 3 times the yield…